IC3 Computer Course

Nov 03 2018
Course Type: Computer

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Course Info IC3 Computer Course

Computing Fundamental

IC3 Module A

Course Description 
This module includes the knowledge and skills required to identify different types of computers, the components of a personal computer (including internal components such as microprocessors) and how these components work together. The module also includes the knowledge and skills relating to computer storage as it applies to hardware components like floppy and hard disks and performance as it applies to processor speed and memory.

Identify different types of computers, how computers work (process information) and how individual computers fit into larger systems
Identify the function of computer hardware components and common problems associated with individual components
Identify issues relating to computer performance and how it is affected by different components of the computer
Identify the factors that go into a decision on how to purchase a computer or select a computer for work, school, or home

Identify how software works and how software and hardware work together to perform computing tasks
Identify different types of software, the tasks for which each type of software is most suited, and the popular programs in each software category

Identify what an operating system is and how it works
Be able to manipulate and control the Windows desktop, files and disks
Be able to change system settings and install software


Key Applications

IC3 Module B

Course Description
This module includes the knowledge and skills required to perform functions common to all Microsoft Windows applications with an emphasis on the common functionality between the two Microsoft Office applications, Microsoft Word and Excel. Elements include the ability to start and exit either the Word or Excel application, modify the display of toolbars and other on-screen elements, use online help, and perform file management, editing, formatting and printing functions common to Word, Excel and most Windows applications.

Be able to start and exit a Windows application and utilise sources of online help
Identify common on-screen elements of Windows applications, change application settings, and manage files within an application
Perform common editing (cut, copy, paste, spellcheck, etc.) and formatting (fonts, margins, tabs, etc.) functions
Perform common printing functions

Be able to format text and documents including the ability to use automatic formatting tools
Be able to add tables and graphics to a document

Be able to modify worksheet data and structure
Be able to sort data and manipulate data using formulas and functions
Be able to format a worksheet
Be able to add pictures and charts to a worksheet


Living online

IC3 Module C

Course Description 
This module includes the knowledge and skills required to identify common terminology associated with computer networks and the Internet, components and benefits of networked computers, the difference between different types of networks (LAN and WAN), and how computer networks fit into other communications networks (like the telephone network). 

Identify network fundamentals and the benefits and risks of network computing
Identify the relationship between computer networks, other communications networks (like the telephone network) and the Internet

Identify how electronic mail works
Identify how to use an electronic mail application
Identify the appropriate use of e-mail and e-mail related "netiquette"

Identify different types of information sources on the Internet
Be able to use a Web browsing application
Be able to search the Internet for information

Identify how computers are used in different areas of work, school, and home
Identify the risks of using computer hardware and software
Identify how to use the Internet safely and legally


iCritical Thinking

The Seven ICT Literacy Content Areas

The IC3Critical Thinking one-hour exam will cover seven Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Literacy content areas, using tasks at a wide range of difficulty levels.  This makes the exam suitable for students from high school Grades 10-12 through college, as well as for working adults.  The seven ICT Literacy content areas include:

Understand and articulate the scope of an information problem in order to facilitate the electronic search for information, such as by:-
Distinguishing a clear, concise, and topical research question from poorly framed questions, such as ones that are overly broad or do not otherwise fulfill the information need
Asking questions of a “professor” that help disambiguate a vague research assignment.
Conducting effective preliminary information searches to help frame a research statement.

Collect and/or retrieve information in digital environments.  Information sources might be web pages, databases, discussion groups, email, or on-line descriptions of print media.  Tasks include:-
Generating and combining search terms (keywords) to satisfy the requirements of a particular research task.
Efficiently browsing one or more resources to locate pertinent information.
Deciding what types of resources might yield the most useful information for a particular need.

Judge whether information satisfies an information problem by determining authority, bias, timeliness, relevance, and other aspects of materials.  Tasks include:-
Judging the relative usefulness of provided Web pages and on-line journal articles. 
Evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information 
Deciding the extent to which a collection of resources sufficiently covers a research area 

Organize information to help you or others find it later, such as by:-
Categorizing emails into appropriate folders based on a critical view of the emails’ contents 
Arranging personnel information into an organizational chart 
Sorting files, emails, or database returns to clarify clusters of related information 

Interpret and represent information, such as by using digital tools to synthesize, summarize, compare, and contrast information from multiple sources while:-
Comparing advertisements, emails, or web sites from competing vendors by summarizing information into a table 
Summarizing  and synthesizing information from a variety of types of sources according to specific criteria in order to compare information and make a decision 
Re-representing results from an academic or sports tournament into a spreadsheet to clarify standings and decide the need for playoffs 

Adapt, apply, design, or construct information in digital environments, such as by:-
Editing and formatting a document according to a set of editorial specifications. 
Creating a presentation slide to support a position on a controversial topic 
Creating a data display to clarify the relationship between academic and economic variables 

Disseminate information tailored to a particular audience in an effective digital format, such as by  
Formatting a document to make it more useful to a particular group 
Transforming an email into a succinct presentation to meet an audience’s needs 
Selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences. 
Designing a flyer to advertise to a distinct group of users